Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is exactly what its name suggests. The substance is a by-product of blood (plasma) that is rich in platelets. Due to high cost, the use of PRP was once confined to the hospital setting. New technology permitted doctors to harvest a greater quantity of platelets from the patient, which lowered the cost and made it readily available. Dr. Doherty has used PRP extensively in bone grafting procedures for nearly 20 years and thanks to new evidence supporting its use in skin rejuvenation Dr. Doherty now applies this technology in cosmetic procedures.
What is PRP?
Platelet-rich plasma is extremely beneficial when used in conjunction with cosmetic procedures. PRP is a small sample of the patient’s own blood that is collected prior to the procedure. The blood sample is then spun through a centrifuge for about 9-15 minutes, concentrating platelets and white blood cells into a separate component that is then extracted from the rest of the sample with a different syringe.
Extracting the PRP is a sterile process with a brand new sterile kit assigned to each individual patient. Once the plasma is extracted from the centrifuge, it is then injected back into the treated areas on the patient’s body. The regenerative stem cells of the plasma have the following results:
- Stimulating the natural growth of collagen – the protein responsible for structure – in the treated areas.
- Creating new fatty tissue, which provides natural cushion and shape to the treated areas.
- Making new blood vessels, improving circulation to the area and improving the skin tone.
Why use PRP?
PRP permits the body to take advantage of the normal healing pathways at a greatly accelerated rate. During the healing process, the body rushes many cells and cell-types to the wound in order to initiate the healing process.
Platelets are one of those cell types. They perform many functions, including formation of a blood clot and release of growth factors (GF) into the wound. These GF (platelet derived growth factors PDGF, transforming growth factor beta TGF, and insulin-like growth factor ILGF) assist the body in repairing itself by stimulating stem cells to regenerate new tissue. The more growth factors released into the wound, the more stem cells are stimulated to produce new host tissue. Thus, one can easily see that PRP permits the body to heal faster and more efficiently.
A subfamily of TGF is bone morphogenic protein (BMP), which has been shown to induce the formation of new bone in research studies in animals and humans. This is significant to the surgeon who places dental implants. By adding PRP, and thus BMP, to the implant site with bone substitute particles, the implant surgeon can now grow bone more predictably and faster than ever before.
Can PRP be used in facial cosmetic procedures?
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) contains various growth factors that can be used to enhance healing and provide a matrix to stimulate collagen deposition for volume enhancement and potential improvement in skin quality and contour. PRP has a very high concentration of growth factors that help stimulate skin rejuvenation and restore volume due to atrophy and aging. When combined with Micro-Needling, these growth factors are “injected” directly into the skin.
What Cosmetic Facial Procedures use PRP?
The use of PRP is greatly increasing across the country and is being used more extensively as more research becomes available about it. At Rogue Valley OMS, we integrate this cutting-edge technique into treatments you may already recognize, providing the same results in a more natural way that your body already knows. The treatments we currently offer that use PRP are: traditional facelift and Micro Needling.
Are There Any Side Effects from Using PRP?
As PRP is comprised of your own cells that your body already recognizes, the risk of side effects is minimal. During your visit, the experienced medical staff at Rogue Valley Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery will discuss these treatments with you to determine whether you are a good candidate and whether PRP rejuvenation treatments are a correct fit for your cosmetic concerns and expectations.
Frequently asked questions about PRP:
Is PRP safe?
Yes. During the outpatient surgical procedure a small amount of your own blood is drawn out via the IV. This blood is then placed in the PRP centrifuge machine and spun down. In less than fifteen minutes, the PRP is formed and ready to use.